BWP Peer Support Group Facilitator Application

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Full Name:*

We ask the following questions in order to support you during the interview process and training.

Gender, sexual orientation, race, or country of origin for example.

The following section is a set of questions to help us better understand your knowledge around violence against Black women specifically.

Where do you believe it stems from? How have the forms of violence towards Black women changed generationally throughout political, economic, and social structures. Why do you think violence against Black women is different compared to other women of colour and white women? What do you think needs to happen to end violence against Black women?
This training is very intense and explores different topics, such as racism, colonialism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, cis-sexism, sexual abuse, sex work experiences, substance use, and poverty, among others. Women in training are asked to reflect on their own feelings, beliefs, and experiences around several different topics.
At BWSS, we work from a Reproductive Justice framework and support women’s self-determination over their bodies. BWP peer support group facilitation Volunteers work from this perspective to provide peer support, information, and referrals to Black women facing a range of decisions, feelings, and experiences with sexual and reproductive health. Please describe your own feelings, beliefs, and experiences relating to women’s self-determination and reproductive health.
This training is going to last 10 weeks and is a big commitment. We would like to know a little bit about what other things you are doing.
We are looking for committed volunteers who can attend the full 4 weeks of training and who are prepared to make the volunteer commitment afterwards. Please let us know if Fridays from 10am – 3pm for 12 weeks (about 3 months) work for you.
Confidentiality Agreement*
I understand and address the following principles and practices. I understand that the following are necessary to maintain a quality of service to clients and the community. CONFIDENTIALITY will be strictly observed by all workers. Discussion of confidential information regarding clients shall be conducted in places which assure privacy, and only amongst other BWSS leaders, staff, and volunteers. Confidential information will not be discussed with family or friends of any client without the client's prior knowledge. We take confidentiality very seriously. Women coming to our support group are sharing very intimate and traumatizing information about their lives. You need to make sure that as a facilitator you fully understand how important confidentiality is in this office space.
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