You deserve to live free from abuse
Resources for LGBTQ2S and non-binary survivors of violence
BWSS recognizes that despite its absence in common media and anti-violence information, same gender and same sex abuse is widespread and prevalent. It is a reality in our communities and may be confusing to identify. BWSS is committed to facing this reality and providing relevant services and support for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, queer, transgender, two-spirit, and non-binary survivors of violence.
What do we mean by abuse?
Abuse (battering) in an intimate relationship is a situation where one person attempts to establish a system of power and control. This pattern targets the thoughts or behaviours of a lover, partner or spouse.
These attempts come in various forms including physical, emotional, intellectual, sexual, spiritual and economic abuse. This person may have final say in many decisions or get their “way” much of the time.
Abuse occurs within lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, queer, trans, non-binary, and straight relationships.
It happens in all communities regardless of race, social status or education. Size, strength, mental health, use of substances, gender presentation or politics does not determine whether a person has been abused or is abusive.
Need help now?
You are not alone. You have options.
BWSS Support Workers are available to discuss your situation and help create a personalized safety plan that’s right for you.
(This document comes from The NW Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse which is based in the United States)
by Julia Serano
Advocacy for friends, family, and LGBT survivors of abuse
LGBTQ Domestic Violence Legal Toolkit for Advocates
Trans Women and Domestic Violence by Kae Greenberg
Transgender Youth and dating violence
The impact of mandatory reporting on the help-seeking and wellbeing of domestic violence survivors