Safety Resources & Reports
BWSS has a growing collection of Safety Resources & Reports including handouts for anyone dealing with gender based violence, articles on related issues, BWSS pamphlets, reports detailing our anti-violence activities and our newsletter Women Making Waves.
Safety Resources & Reports
- Personalized Safety Planning Tools
- How Can I Help My Friend
- Anti-Violence Centres and Transition Houses in Canada
- How to Identify Post-Separation Abuse Tactics and Protect Yourself
- I’m sorry, I promise it won’t happen again!
- Toxic Relationships vs. Abusive Relationships
- Recognizing Red Flags: Signs of an Abusive Relationship
- Understanding Online Coercive Control
- Safety Planning for Non-Status Immigrants, Refugees, and Refugee Claimants
BWSS Resources
- Indian Residential Schools
- Transition Houses in Canada
- Fundraising Brochure
- Empowering Women Brochure
- How Can I Help My Friend Brochure
- Volunteer Opportunities for Women Brochure
- Wallet Size Card of Resource Contact Numbers for Women Facing Abuse
- Violence Against Women and the Law
- Resource Manual for lawyers working with battered immigrant women
- Resource Manual for immigrant women working with a lawyer
- When Battered Women are Arrested: A Growing Problem
- Resource Manual for Front-Line Workers
- Economic Empowerment Strategies for Women
- How to support Non-Status, Immigrant, Refugee, and Refugee claimants training + resources
- Safety Assessment and Safety Planning Tool for Women with Precarious Immigration Status, Refugees, Refugee Claimants and Immigrant Women
Violence against Women, Children and the Law
On January 26, 2018, 80 people representing government, legal services, front line organizations, women’s groups, and women dealing with violence against women and the law attended Women Seeking Safety: Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) forum on violence against women, their children and the law. The forum is a continuation of our ongoing work with women victims of violence looking at systemic change, lethality/assessments and recommendations when it comes to the law. Read the full story of the forum here.
Following are hard copy reports of the panel member’s presentations:
- Jane’s Story: When leaving an abusive partner will not make a woman free from his abuse. A familiar reality of women stuck between following court orders that side with the father and protecting children. By Rosa Elena Arteaga, Manager of Direct Services and Clinical Practice at BWSS.
- Violence against Women & Children and Child Custody Law: Between a Rock and a Hard Place. By Susan B. Boyd, Professor Emerita, Faculty of Law, UBC.
- Women face the impossible choice of either following the court order and placing their children in jeopardy or being held in breach of the court order. By Harshada Deshpande, Manager of Legal Advocacy and Services at BWSS.
- Family Court leaves women and children at a great disadvantage with the risk of escalating violence. By Summer Rain, Manager of Women’s Indigenous Program at BWSS.
- Girls suffer in fear and silence: a call to shift from Social Services to Social Justice. Presented by Justice for Girls Interns: Malia Terry, Idalia Morrisseau, Savanah Norman, Sadea Johnston.
- Open Letter to Minister David Eby RE: Provincial Court Family Rules Project from Angela Marie MacDougall, Executive Director, BWSS.
Information on Abuse
What is Violence Against Women? The United Nations defines violence against women as “Any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”
Other BWSS Publications
Non-Status, Immigrant, Refugee, and Refugee claimants resources
BWSS in the Media
Women Making Waves
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