Let’s End Gender-Based Violence



We know you are on our website for a reason and that preventing violence against women matters to you.  We hear you and could not agree more. This year marks our 40th year as an organization providing services, education and advocacy which is strengthened through our fundraising throughout the year. The Scotiabank Charity Challenge is a fun event where we can join together to raise funds for the amazing work that happens every day.

When you commit to be part of the #SafetyChangesEverything team – whether it’s the 5K or the half marathon –you will be making a difference and having fun while doing it!

Join us April 10th from 6PM-8PM at My Sister’s Closet, 1092 Seymour St. Vancouver for our event kick-off and registration party! BWSS will provide the refreshments, sign-up package and register you on the spot so you don’t have to (BWSS covers your registration fee, you just need to raise at least $300). Bring a guest with you! The more we register, the closer we will get to reaching our $40,000 goal!

Will you join our team?  Your involvement as a walker or runner can make a huge difference.  All fitness levels are welcome!  A family walk, an easy jog or competitive run, it is your choice.

Join us as BWSS commemorate 40 years of ending violence work and help us raise $40,000! The lasting impact of healing from abuse is powerfully evident in Mia’s life.  Here she is in her own words:

help end violence against girls and women Scotiabank Vancouver marathon


‘My mom has a sheet of paper that she got from BWSS that says “model of a healthy relationship”. She taped it to our storage room wall and I remember as a child reading it curiously, not knowing where it came from, but still storing what I read in my mind. Every time I walked into the storage room I saw that paper, and eventually it became ingrained in me. Today, having realized how I and those around me deserve to be treated, I make sure all my relationships abide by that model.’


Read more about Mia’s inspirational story of empowerment here.


You can help us to reach our 2019 goal to raise $40,000 for critical violence prevention work, so more girls like Mia can live lives free from violence.

For information about joining our team and to learn how your registration fee could be waived please send an email communityengagement@bwss.org



10 Reasons to Walk, Run, Wheel for Battered Women’s Support Services

1: Achievement

EndingViolencenumber1There is so much about physical activity that can be rewarding, but there is something extra special about walking, running, wheeling and raising money at the same time.

Knowing that you’re helping support women live free of violence, as well as, reaching personal health and wellness goals is wonderful, self-care plus!


2: Motivation

Sometimes you need a little extra incentive to get off the couch or away from the computer and when walking, running or wheeling for BWSS means you’re making a real difference in women’s lives, as well as, making a difference for your own wellness.

This knowledge can help carry you through the training sessions and to the start line on “race day”.


3: Support

When you choose Battered Women’s Support Services  to support, we will reciprocate by helping you with fund-raising tips and assistance throughout the whole process. You’ll receive information and advice and we will host group events leading up to “race day”.

Our team are experienced and can assist you with all your fundraising questions.


4: Support Training

To support your walk, run or wheel, BWSS will host  “how to train” in-service with Tanya Jones from Bee3Fitness.  The in-service would cover training basics for a half marathon and for 5K for an hour and a half with a 20 minute run/walk after.  It is our intention to continue running once a week together thereafter.

All fitness levels are welcome from couch to 5K to seasoned marathon veterans.


5: Part of a team

Support Battered Women's Support Services and End Violence Against WomenOne of the hardest things about training for an event is that often times, you are out walking, running on your own.

When you join Team BWSS you are part of a large group of people doing exactly the same things and a lot of them will be finding it just as fun and/or hard as you.

It’s comforting to know you’re not alone.



6: Personal touch

Chances are you know someone who has been affected by abuse and/or violence in a relationship and that someone may be you. This makes the work to end violence against girls and women incredibly important to you.

Emotionally, walking, running or wheeling can be healing even transformative. And you can know you’re doing something positive to help, raising awareness, helping survivors know that you care. This can be an extraordinary thing for women living with violence knowing that people actually care enough to challenge themselves physically it can help a woman to pull through a difficult time or to reach out to BWSS for the first time.


7: Challenge yourself

EndingViolence3The effort you put into your training needs to be matched by the effort you put into your fundraising. There is no point pushing yourself to the limit to run a marathon if you have only bothered to enlist the support of three sponsors.

To make all of this worthwhile you have to work hard at persuading people to sponsor you. It’s hard work, but it can also inspire people to new heights they never thought possible.

You may be surprised that people want to assist you in your goal and they also want to see an end to violence against women.


8: Inspire others

You can never underestimate the impact that running for Battered Women’s Support Services has on others. The admiration people have for someone who walks, runs or wheels for a good cause is inspiring.

You can be the person that inspires others to get out of their armchair and run an event for charity.


9: Challenge Redux

EndingViolence15Setting a goal and achieving it is one thing, but doing so while raising money for others is massively rewarding.

Whatever distance you decide to take part in (5K or half-marathon), the satisfaction of taking on a challenge and completing it is huge and in some cases life-changing.



10: Health and Wellness

Don’t forget that while you are doing all of these things, you are becoming more active and probably inspiring others to increase their physical activity. You’re brilliant and what you’re doing is brilliant too.


Safety Changes Everything

men-ending-violenceWith the support of caring donors, Battered Women’s Support Services delivers direct service support for women living with violence, shifting society to one future free of gender-based violence, creating violence prevention materials for youth and helping people take action to end violence against women at home, school, work and community.

Our work is grounded in strong evidence-based approaches based on the understanding that gender-based violence is one of the most pressing social issues of our time – safety and liberation of girls and women makes our world stronger.


Every week a woman in Canada is killed by her intimate partner. BWSS is working to change that.