Back in 2008, Battered Women’s Support Services confronted the growing problem of police services misapplying “pro-arrest” policies and criminalizing battered women for self-defending in domestic violence situations. We came to this confrontation authentically when we began supporting a growing number of women who were arrested for allegedly perpetrating domestic violence against their male partner and these arrests occurred despite the fact that in all cases the women were in relationships where their male partners were abusing them. This was evidenced by previous police reports, hospital/doctor visits, child witnesses and neighbour or co-worker accounts.
By completing the survey you can enter to win a $200 gift certificate to Battered Women’s Support Services social enterprise, My Sister’s Closet! Closing date to enter the draw is January 31, 2017.
Thank you!
Our daughter on dec 13, 2016 shot and killed her husband. He had and has been hitting her and verbal abuse. She is a 44 year old women, who is a good person. Her mother and I live in Wisconsin and her children live in Indiana. I’ve called several attorneys in the Monroe Louisiana area. We don’t have 50,000 for a retainer. She is being charged with 2nd degree murder. Is there any way to get help through your organization? The story is on a news web @