Battered Women’s Support Services presents…
Doing Justice: Honouring Our Resistance in Work Against Violence
A one day experiential one-day workshop, front-line workers will track their connections to the spirit of social justice in their work, and in their life. We will honour our collective acts of resistance against unjust ways of working, and against the ways society is structured
Doing Justice is possible through acts of solidarity and holding ourselves collectively accountable. We need to do this work together-not in isolation. We will develop understandings of resistance to oppression in both the people we work alongside and ourselves. Front-line workers will be encouraged to build solidarity teams and to create strategic plans for sustainability over the long haul in our collective work against oppression and violence. We will look at both the ways we can abuse our power despite our commitments to social justice and the ways our work is a site of liberation for us.
This interactive workshop will include a Solidarity Witnessing Group and other practices of connection. Doing Justice is influenced by the work of Paulo Freire, Ignatio Martine Baro and anti-oppression activism. Narrative and Collaborative therapies inform the conversations.
Facilitated by Vikki Reynolds
VIKKI REYNOLDS is currently writing a PhD addressing her supervision of solidarity model for therapeutic supervision which incorporates witnessing and commitments to both an ethics of resistance and the practices of social justice into sustaining and honouring supervision. Vikki’s therapeutic experience includes clinical supervision and therapy with refugees and survivors of torture, mental health and substance abuse counsellors in the downtown eastside, and working alongside transgendered and queer communities.
Date: Friday November 14th , 2008
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Stanley Park Ecology Society – Heron Room
Entrance at west side door of Stanley Park Dining Pavilion
Fee: Sliding Scale $100 – $250
To register: Call Heidi at 604-687-1868 or