Expressions of Interest are invited for the position of
Curriculum Writer
Battered Women’s Support Services Ending Violence Training Initiative 2011
Battered Women’s Support Services Ending Violence Training Initiative 2011 will include research, curricula development and delivery of four new education training programs for front line service providers in western Canada. Curricula will be developed from an anti-oppression, feminist analysis of violence against women; will include detailed generalized modules, specialized components related to Indigenous, Immigrant, Refugee girls and women, and specialized components urging men to own their role in ending violence. Battered Women’s Support Services Ending Violence Training Initiative will seek to:
- Support the empowerment and skills of service providers who come into contact with girls/women survivors of violence and/or men who use power and control, including physical and sexual violence and abuse, in their intimate relationships with women and/or youth who are in dating relationships.
- Support service providers engage with the individual, historical, relational, community, institutional, systemic and societal issues, beliefs and barriers that contribute to violence and abuse while being better equipped to assist their clients to be safer and end the violence and abuse in their lives, in community, in the larger society.
- Support services providers to take action in the interest of ending violence against girls and women through individual, institutional and systemic advocacy.
Battered Women’s Support Services Ending Violence Training Initiative is based in western Canada (BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba).
Expressions to include:
Written summary detailing interest, experience and suitability
Current resume
Three professional references
Two writing samples
Compensation expectations
Email expressions to:
Expressions of Interest are due by 5 pm Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Battered Women’s Support Services ~ a snap shot:
A determined group of women started Battered Women’s Support Services in 1979. Our goal is the elimination of all violence against girls and women. We have been delivering training and education programs to support service providers and to end violence against girls and women for over 30 years. We provide direct service support and advocacy for girls and women who have experienced abuse, systemic advocacy, law reform, and for 21 years we have delivered a youth engagement in violence prevention program in public and private schools in British Columbia. In our effort to support zero waste and eco fashion, we are solid members of the thrift movement operating My Sister’s Closet as a social enterprise in Vancouver, BC. In 2010:
1. we received over 9,000 crisis line calls,
2. over 4,200 women received direct services,
3. over 1500 women attended support groups,
4. we delivered training and professional development to over 500 professionals in western Canada and
5. launched The Violence Stops Here campaign, urging men to own their role in ending violence against girls and women.
In 2011, we have 17 paid staff and 86 women attended our annual volunteer recognition event. BWSS has a comprehensive and effective social marketing program that engages up to 35,000 individuals monthly.
Follow our Ending Violence Work on Twitter
Dear BWSS, we have been providing counselling and group services for families living with domestic violence for many years. We offer the Stopping the Violence counselling service for women who have been and are living with violence. We are also members of the women’s collaborative delivering an open and confidential regular groupwork program for women who have been victims of domestic violence. We have taken over the regional Family Violence Program and been delivering individual and groupwork intervention for men who are violent against their partners but have not been charged, prosecuted or mandated into treatment through the criminal justice system. We also deliver post traumatic therapeutic interventions for children. We are developing a Safer Family Program which builds on the strengths of our experience, ensuring accountability and safety for all family members. Our child and youth family services are accredited with the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. We serve the Capital Regional District of BC and are located in Victoria.
Hello: I am looking forward to submitting an expressin of interest for the curriculum writer position. I am the lead author of Helping Children Who Experience DV: A Guide for parents, a curriculum widely used by DV programs throughout the US and Canada. Before preparing my expression of interest and relevant cost, I would like to have some additional information about your training initiative.
1. Have you decided how you would like the training to be delivered, i.e. in lectures, workshops, webinars, or online, etc. or will that up to the curriculum writer to determine?
2. If the training is to be in person, will the writer be responsible for providing the training?
3. How much time will you allot for participants to complete the training?
4. What is the existing knowledge level of participants?
5. Will the writer have the opportunity to gather additional information from you, your staff, and some training participants before proceeding?
Thanks so much. I look forward to hearing from you.
Meg Crager