All relationships exist on a spectrum…

From healthy to abusive, with unhealthy relationships somewhere in the middle. Explore our interactive Relationship Spectrum by rating different scenarios as healthy, unhealthy, or abusive and find out where your own relationship falls.

If you recognize any of the warning signs, it may be an indication that your relationship is abusive. Create a safety plan or call 1-855-687-1868 now to connect with an advocate to confidentially discuss your situation and explore available options.

As an organization dedicated to ending violence in all its forms, BWSS stands in solidarity with victims and survivors. For resources on safety, accessing support, and taking action against gender-based violence, visit our website.

You are not alone.

If you or someone you love is in need of support, please contact the Battered Women Support Services Crisis Line:

Call toll-free: 1-855-687-1868 Metro Vancouver: 604-687-1867 Email: