We are pleased to announce Katrina Harry, Sadia Sameeullah and Nancy Huffman as new members of Battered Women’s Support Services Board of Directors joining Niki Sharma and Jennifer Johnstone.
Katrina Harry is a lawyer practicing child welfare and Aboriginal law. She has worked with BWSS previously and wrote The Indian Act, Indian Residential Schools and Aboriginal Women’s Empowerment What Front Line Workers Need to Know paper for BWSS and developed/delivered training for us on the same topic. She presented at our recent Aboriginal Women’s Justice Conference.
Sadia Sameeullah has worked with BWSS on the Advisory Committee for Engaging Immigrant Women in the Legal System and recently presented at Empowering Non Status, Refugee and Immigrant Women Who Experience Violence Conference. She works at DiverseCity Commmunity Resources Society.
Nancy Huffman worked with BWSS as a fundraising consultant and is one of the visionaries who developed BWSS The Violence Stops Here Campaign. She works at Harvey McKinnon and Associates as a fundraising consultant.