“Because, the power of #MeToo isn’t just naming it. Naming it is just the beginning of the journey” -Tarana Burke

Leading up to BWSS 40 Years Later Commemoration with Tarana Burke at the Orpheum Theatre on November 25th, 2019, BWSS asked local activists to share how “Naming it is just the beginning of the journey”…

Naming it is the willingness to “open the door,” and believe me that’s hard enough, but the real work, the journey is on the other side of that door. To say #MeToo is to sign up for a battle. We battle our shame and our self-blame. We battle the trauma and acknowledge our vulnerability and victimization. This is the work of a survivor. A survivor is someone who’s Truth is inconvenient, uncomfortable, and at times horrifying and heartbreaking. Our society hates these truths and has a way of suppression and elimination for stories like these. We look at the vulnerable person and question how they contributed to their victimization.

Why were they there?

            What didn’t they do?

                       Can we believe them?

                                    They don’t live like us?

                                                Why listen at all?

It’s important to be clear, the journey “on the other side” of that door is long and isolating and sadly, more times than less, it’s one voice reaching out to rise to the surface is a sea of noise and nonsense. The willingness to open that door and say #MeToo unites those voices; and hopefully we as survivors won’t have to journey alone”.

-Theresa Thomas


Ticket Sponsorship

We are seeking ticket sponsorship for individuals who otherwise would be unable to attend, if you would like to sponsor tickets please email samantha@bwss.org

We are so grateful for our generous sponsors!

  • Davida LeComte
  • Luiza Brenner
  • Vancity
  • LOVE Fundraising
  • Cystech Solutions Inc.
  • SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement
  • Elevate Inclusion Strategies
  • Vancouver Community College Faculty Association
  • Massy Books