For immediate release
July 26, 2018

Connecting Survivors of Violence to Support

An updated, comprehensive, and easy to understand guide to finding help for survivors of violence.

Vancouver, B.C. —Since its initial launch in March 2006, tens of thousands of copies of The Safety Resource Card have been shared throughout Metro Vancouver. The first of its kind, the Safety Resource Card contains dozens of useful phone numbers.

Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) is pleased to announce the update of the card, to include updated phone numbers and information including the updated operating hours of BWSS, now including Saturdays from 10am to 5pm. The card also includes other emergency/crisis numbers, transition house numbers and specific support services in the Downtown Eastside.

Fifty percent of women in Canada have experienced some form of physical or sexual violence. On average, a woman is murdered by her intimate partner every week in Canada.

“Gender-based violence in all forms — sexual harassment, sexual violence, physical abuse and femicide is truly an epidemic in Canada –there is no time to waste”, says BWSS Executive Director Angela Marie MacDougall “The Safety Resource Card provides survivors of violence with direct contact to essential services in Metro Vancouver, including BWSS, that can be life-saving”.

The Safety Resource Card folds up to the size of a business card so that women using the card may do so discreetly and without fear of its being discovered by an abusive partner.

The Safety Resource Guides are available to the community and those interested in obtaining the free card please call 778-558-7179 or email

For almost 40 years, Battered Women’s Support Services has worked towards women’s liberation through education, advocacy, support services, and systemic and social change to assist all women in its aim to work towards the elimination of violence.


Media enquiries:
Angela Marie MacDougall, Battered Women’s Support Services
Executive Director
Cell:  604-808-0507

Safety Resource Card by BWSS

Safety Resource Card