The prevalence of sexual assault in post-secondary settings is a serious issue. Statistics Canada reported that around one in 10 students who identify as women were sexually assaulted in a post-secondary environment in 2019.
Across the country, thousands of students are heading off to university and college, many living on or off campus and away from home. It’s also the beginning of a period of eight weeks where the most sexual violence occurs on Canadian campuses.
More than 80% of rapes on college and university campuses are perpetrated by someone known to the victim. One in five reported cases of sexual assault occurs in an intimate relationship. Moreover, being young and female is a risk factor for sexual assault. Young women (15-24) experience the highest rates of sexual violence, almost double the rate of sexual violence against women aged 25-34. Young women also have the highest rates of being stalked –usually by someone they know (two-thirds of cases).
Change won’t happen until a significant cultural shift moves the responsibility of sexual assault off the shoulders of victims/survivors, and onto the perpetrators. BWSS continues to take action against all forms of gender-based violence including all forms of sexualized violence.
Our practice is trauma and violence informed. If you are in need of support, BWSS is in the community and an off-campus option.
We are here for you, Crisis Line 1-855-687-1868
- Statistics Canada. Gender Differences in Police-reported Violent Crime in Canada, 2008. 2010
- Statistics Canada. One in ten women students sexually assaulted in a postsecondary setting, 2020. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/200914/dq200914a-eng.htm
- Statistics Canada. Measuring violence against women: Statistical trends. 2013.
- H. (2006). Measuring Violence against Women: Statistical Trends 2006. Statistics Canada catalogue no. 85-570-XWE. Ottawa. Retrieved from http://www.statcan.ca/english/research/85-570-XIE/85-570-XIE2006001.htm
- Department of Justice Canada. Factsheet on Dating Violence. 2003.