Prevention of Violence Against Women Week
Past Campaigns
Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) is committed to taking action and preventing violence against women. Each year we commemorate Prevention of Violence Against Women Week held during the third week of April. During Prevention of Violence Against Women Week we engage our on and offline communities in violence prevention by remembering we all have a role to play in preventing violence against girls and women as individuals, in our relationships, in our community, and in society.
2018 #HomeSweetHome
After studying decades of domestic violence deaths, Battered Women’s Support Services has found that the vast majority of women who died were not connected to a community advocate. From April 16-22, 2017 we emphasized the lethality of male’s violence against women and asked you to commit to #kNOwMORE.
2017 #kNOwMORE
After studying decades of domestic violence deaths, Battered Women’s Support Services has found that the vast majority of women who died were not connected to a community advocate. From April 16-22, 2017 we emphasized the lethality of male’s violence against women and asked you to commit to #kNOwMORE.
2016: Various Community Events
April 18 – 22, 2016
Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) will commemorate Prevention of Violence Against Women Week again this year by engaging the community in violence prevention through the following events:
CORE Training for Front-line Workers
Five day multi-media skill based training to support front line workers in their work to end violence against women
April 18 – 22, 2016
My Sister’s Closet – 1092 Seymour Street, Vancouver
Youth Against Violence Training – Musqueam Nation
Battered Women’s Support Services in collaboration with Musqueam Indian Band to host Drumming Up Courage a peer-led awareness and training workshops for teenage girls and boys. Topics include: healthy relationships, cyber-violence, dating violence, date rape and how to be an empowered bystander.
April 12-14 &18 – 22, 2016
Musqueam Nation
Violence Against Women Knows No Age Limits
Much has been written about dating violence, violence against adult women and elder abuse. The invisibility of the abuse of senior women is what Battered Women’s Support Services seeks to change. This prevention week, Battered Women’s Support Services raises awareness of the prevalence of violence against senior women, the warning signs and specific considerations for senior women who experience violence.
April 18 – 24, 2016
Online at, Twitter and Facebook
Preventing Violence against Women on Earth Day, April 22, 2016
BWSS hosts a clothing swap and thrifting event to build awareness around local and social environmental action. The fashion industry is the second most polluting industry on Earth, right behind oil. The average Canadian throws away 70 pounds of clothing and textiles into the trash each year. Garment workers are some of the lowest paid workers in the world and 85% of all garment workers are women.
Friday, April 22, 2016
My Sister’s Closet – 1092 Seymour Street, Vancouver
Kids from Camelot ~ Benefit for BWSS
Terry Wolfe, the creator of the film, Kids from Camelot, has made the screening of his film on April 23rd a benefit for Battered Women’s Support Services ~ proceeds from ticket sales will go to BWSS.
Kids from Camelot is a fantasy musical reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz about two kids who put down their cell phones and time travel back to Camelot to find out if an old sword in their storage locker is really King Arthur’s long lost Excalibur. They see what childhood should be about and start a counter revolution against TV and cell phone addicts.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
VanCity Theatre – 1181 Seymour St., Downtown Vancouver
2015: #BecauseYouCan
April 12-19 2015
This year, during Prevention of Violence Against Women Week BWSS features the following events:
You Could Do Something to End Violence Against Women – Bus Shelter Ads
Violence against women in intimate relationships is a learned behaviour so BWSS has launched an awareness campaign drawing attention on the effects witnessing abuse has on children. You Could Do Something To Prevent Violence Against Women bus shelter ads are positioned around the Vancouver, BC. People are invited to share photos of the ads through social media with the hashtag #BecauseYouCan.
(Download the poster here.)
Posted with the support of the City of Vancouver.
YOUth Ending Violence Volunteer Training Program
Youth are powerful agents for change and BWSS successful Youth Ending Violence trains young women and young men to facilitate workshops on dating and sexual violence prevention. BWSS Youth facilitators learn differences between healthy and abusive relationships, dynamics of abuse, learn where and how to obtain help, understand the impact of media and social media on youth in dating relationships and how to be an empowered bystander. BWSS Youth Ending Violence program reaches 2,000 youth annually.
Boys Will be Boys: Fighting Sexism in Media and Journalism
Saturday, April 11, 2015
The Jian Ghomeshi scandal shocked the country, but maybe we needed to be shocked. Despite all the gains made over decades for women’s rights and gender equality, even our trusted public broadcaster had failed us.
Newsrooms have long been a man’s world, and while women are occupying positions as journalists, editors, producers, and broadcasters more than ever before, it’s clear that sexism, sexual harassment, and even sexual assault remains a problem in the industry. Whereas women remained silent for years, fearing they’d lose their jobs and ruin their careers if they spoke out about the misogyny they experienced working in media, they are finally beginning to speak out, buoyed by the courage and righteous anger of their female colleagues.
This panel features four prominent and courageous women who are experts on the issue of gender discrimination, violence against women, and sexism in the media. They will address the history of this insidious problem, the current climate, and the real-life impact of sweeping sexist practices and behaviour under the rug.
This is a conversation Canada needs to have. Join us.
Angela Marie MacDougall
Meghan Murphy
Laura Robinson
When: Saturday, Apr 11, 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Where: Room 7000, SFU Vancouver (Harbour Centre)
Admission: Free and open to all adults, but please Register.
Creative Cafe Day – #BecauseYouCan Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls
At My Sister’s Closet located at 1092 Seymour Street (at Helmcken) in Downtown, Vancouver
April 15, 2015 from 12 pm to 6 pm
Community sharing their talents all to support ending violence.
Live Music
Sidewalk Art
Face Painting
Local Women Artisan Creations Featured
Tarot Card Readings
Spirit Bear coffee and tea
#BecauseYouCan Blog
Once again, we have convened a few serious feminist writers to contribute to our blog Ending Violence this year featuring violence prevention along with an old concept with a new name “A First Responder”. Ending Violence Blog is at
2014: Creating Transformation
April 13-19 2014
Creating Transformation – Community Engagement in Prevention of Violence Against Women
This year, during Prevention of Violence Against Women Week, Battered Women’s Support Services will showcase our recent and ongoing collaborations with youth. We have had the opportunity to work with incredible young women and young men over these years, youth who dream big about making positive impact with their peers through sharing knowledge and skills that promote healthy relationships, that support youth cultural shifts, safer spaces and social change. We invite you to join us both here in Vancouver, Coast Salish territory and across the interwebs.
Here is the list of events:
Creating Transformation Public Event
A free public event to discuss how transformation can be created to prevent violence against women and what needs to be done in order to make changes in the level of individuals, communities, and society. The event will start with the presentation of speakers and be followed by Questions & Answers. Light snacks will be provided.
Where: My Sister’s Closet, 1092 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC
When: April 17, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
“Don’t Be That Guy” radio spots
Battered Women’s Support Services in collaboration with BCIT Broadcasting students are sharing a 7 episode of radio spots on sexual violence against women. The radio project was inspired by “Don’t Be That Guy Campaign, which originated with Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton.
Where: Online at and Radio
When: April 13-19 2014
Young Men Taking Action to End Violence Against Women
Young Men Taking Action to End Violence Against Women is a joint project by Battered Women’s Support Services, St. George’s School, Create Your Own, Team Heartbreak where young men from St. George’s School produced short films on men’s role in ending violence against girls and women.
Where: Online at
When: April 13-19 2014
Youth Ending Violence
BWSS Youth Ending Violence program works with young women and men throughout Lower Mainland in preventiln of dating violence. During Prevention of Violence Against Women, BWSS will present a film featuring some of Youth Ending Violence facilitators sharing their thoughts on the root causes of and factors that contribute to violence, their work in violence prevention, media literacy, and youth empowerment.
Where: Online at
When: April 13-19 2014
Creating Transformation Blog Series
A youth-centred blog series for individuals,our communities,and social-change makers illuminating how girls and women resist systemic violence, change transformation for a safer and empowering future.
Where: Online at
When: April 13-19 2014
2013: It’s In Your hands
April 14 – 20 2013
It’s Prevention of Violence Against Women Week 2013 and I’m here to tell you that prevention and intervention has never been more important as a casual look at the headlines reveals male violence against women and girls continues…unabated.
No doubt you have noticed that our communities live a significant part of the day online and like any environment the online environment can be dangerous. So, once again, Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) is taking our gender violence prevention message online for Prevention of Violence Against Women Week 2013. We’re travelling through the Twitterhood , Facebook and blogging at Ending Violence to share with our community that “It’s in Your Hands”. Below, please take a read at the post, our youth consultant, Rona Amiri prepared, which will give you a sense of where we’re going with the week. Please forward this email with your contacts and share our posters. The image attached is one of three we are working with during the week.
For over 30 years, we have been on the frontline taking action in this war on girls and women. Prevention of violence against women week gives us another opportunity to check in with you and together take a fresh look what ending violence against girls and women really means. We don’t want to stop there…you know, with just looking…with this week we join with you where together we align our efforts toward sustained and sufficient action that gets deep into the roots and feeds the energy we need to do the work to see the future free of gender violence.
Angela Marie MacDougall
Executive Director
Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) Presents:
Preventing Violence Against Women – It’s In Your hands
Preventing Violence Against Women Week 2013
Battered Women’s Support Services believes in the importance of engaging women, youth and men in violence prevention. In 2010, BWSS launched The Violence Stops Here Campaign that took the anti violence message forward into the 21st Century recognizing that violence against women isn’t only a woman’s issue but is clearly an issue for men. We urge men to own their role in ending violence against women, become part of the solution and break the silence.
We have also delivered youth prevention programming since the late 1980’s. We consistently provided education workshops to the tune of over 1,600 sessions over the past 20 or so years. Currently, our YOUth Ending Violence education prevention program is presented to youth across British Columbia.
During Prevention of Violence Against Women Week we will engage our online community in violence prevention by remembering we all have a role to play in preventing violence against girls and women as individuals, in our relationships, in our community and in society.
During the week of April 14th – 21st, 2013, join our online community to engage, empower and prevent violence at
Here is a selection of Ending Violence blog posts on ways in which women, youth and men prevent violence:
Lessons from Steubenville by Rona Amiri
YOUth Ending Violence by Rona Amiri and Tijash Ramirez
I’MPOWER–The Violence Stops Here
Got Consent?
Youth Taking Action to End Violence Against Girls and Women
Don’t Be That Guy – Urging Men to Own Their Role to End Rape
Real Men Speak Up Against Violence Against Women
Men – What YOU Can Do
Ten Things Men Can Do
We invite you to join our discussions on violence prevention on our Facebook page and on our Twitter @EndingViolence
2012: How Does She Resist?
Prevention of Violence Against Women Week – April 15 – 21 2012
How Does She Resist? Resisting Media Representations to End Violence Against Girls and Women
Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS)
How Does She Resist? – Resisting Media Representations to End Violence Against Girls and Women
“Battered Women Support Services’ (BWSS) goal is the elimination of all violence against women. Therefore women’s representation in media becomes a crucial element of this mandate. BWSS’ statement of philosophy recognizes that “…battering is the result of a world view which supports the right of some people to oppress others. That right is granted by the privilege of status associated with gender, race, religion, class, sexual orientation, age and physical ability”. This battering takes places right before us, as women are represented by media in an unequal scenario: a scenario where the powerful, privileged media presents a monolithic and oppressive view of womanhood. In this context women are constantly reduced by the media to body parts (i.e. a set of legs, a pair of breasts, etc.) or objects of sexual desire. This creates the ideal environment to perpetrate abuse and violence. Women are not human anymore, but dismembered objects lacking of dignity. Sadly, we get this message every day, many times a day.” ~ Silvia Almanza Alonso
During Prevention of Violence Against Women Week we will engage our online community to resist media representations as a way to prevent violence against girls and women.
We will feature guest blogger Joanna Chiu, guest videographer Camila Galdino, and contributions by Silvia Almanza Alonso, BWSS YOUth Ending Violence Program, and more…
During the week of April 15th – 21st, 2012, join our online community to engage, empower and prevent violence at
Resisting Media Representations A Literary Review by Silvia Almanza Alonso
How Women Can Effectively Challenge the Way They Are Represented.
2011: Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy
Prevention of Violence Against Women Week – April 18 – 25, 2011
Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy
Sexual violence, it seems, is the one crime where we blame the victim and not the perpetrator. Frequently, women who are attacked are told, “You should have been more careful,” or, “You shouldn’t have put yourself in that situation.” Routinely women who have been raped are asked the questions “WHAT were you wearing?” “What did you drink?” “Who were you with?” “Why couldn’t you sense a potential attacker?” Research tells us that sexual violence perpetration is a heavily gendered crime. Approximately 98-99% of sexual violence – reported to police or anonymously reported in research – is perpetrated by men. And we don’t ask the question “Why do men rape?”
Recently, there have been several instances where public officials have publicly exposed victim blaming sentiments and have faced consequences:
In Toronto, Students and staff at Osgoode Hall Law School are demanding an apology and explanation from the Toronto Police Service after one of their officers suggested women can avoid sexual assault by not dressing like a “slut”. Read the story here.
In Winnipeg, protesters call for resignation after judge allows victim blaming sentiments inform his sentence of a convicted rapist. See the video here.
In Manitoba ‘No woman asks to be raped’: Victim slams judge’s decision. Read the story here.
In Vancouver, BC, Women Respond to Comments by Reverend Ric Matthews of First United Church. Read the story here.
In Surrey, BC, Green Party Candidate resigns over rape comment. Read the story here.
In the US, an alliance of men have spoken out against victim blaming and issued a call to other men. Read about it here.
This year, Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy an alliance between Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter, Act II Safe Choice, Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW), YWCA Munroe House and Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) have teamed up again to focus on sexual violence against girls & women.
To participate in the conversation and to take action check out BWSS Battered Women’s Support Services Facebook page BWSS Facebook Group and follow us on Twitter here Ending Violence
Prevention of Violence Against Women Week – April 18 to 25, 2011.
Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy
Over the years, Vancouver and the province of British Columbia has experienced a death by a thousand cuts as services and the network of support for women survivors of violence are being dismantled. Further the pursuit of liberation and equality for women remains elusive as systemic policies and practices are regressing while violence against girls and women continues as an epidemic.
In 2009, in unprecedented form, the feminist women’s organizations in Vancouver joined together to raise awareness by holding events and mobilizing direct action during Prevention of Violence Against Women Week in April.
We’re working to provide critical and essential support services, while working to end violence against girls and women.
To join our work email us at
Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy 2010 Death Does NOT Become Her
Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy 2009 Critical and Essential Services
2010: Death Does NOT Become Her – Pre Mortem Initiatives
Preventing Violence Against Women 2010
Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy Reconvening To host Death Does Not Become Her – Pre Mortem Initiatives
During Prevention of Violence Against Women Week April 18 – 24, 2010
In 2009, Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy held events on Main Street in Vancouver to standing room only crowds confirming the essential and critical services women’s organizations provide in British Columbia.
In 2010, the location is Commercial Drive and the events are even more compelling and pressing.
Tuesday, April 20: What’s Rape Got To Do With It? An Evening of Consciousness-Raising
Little Nest located at 1716 Charles Street, Vancouver
7 pm to 9 pm
Wednesday, April 21: What do Women Want?: Feminists Shaping The Path for Men’s Anti-Violence Work
Little Nest located at 1716 Charles Street, Vancouver
7 pm to 9 pm
Thursday, April 22: The Grid: 5 Critical Forces Sustaining Male Violence Against Women
Little Nest at 1716 Charles Street, Vancouver
7 pm to 9 pm
Friday, April 23: When Battered Women are Arrested: The Systems’ Response to Violence Against Women
Britannia Community Centre Canucks Family Education Centre located 2nd floor 1661 Napier Street, Vancouver
7pm to 9 pm
Sunday, April 25: Sisterhood: The Ties That Bind Us – A Film Screening of “Searching for Angela Shelton”
Rio Theatre located 1660 East Broadway, Vancouver
2 pm to 5 pm
For more information call 604-687-1613, email or
Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy is:
Howe Sound Women’s Centre,
Surrey Women’s Centre,
Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter,
South Fraser Women’s Services Society,
Act II Safe Choice,
Women Against Violence Against Women
Battered Women’s Support Services
2009: Critical and Essential Services
Prevention of Violence Against Women Week 2009
All Events are Free and Open to the Public
Monday April 20, 2009. 7pm. Montmartre Café, 4362 Main St.
Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter launches
The Johns : Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It
with author Victor Malarek and UBC law professor, Janine Benedet
Tuesday April 21, 2009. 7pm. Bean Around the World, 3598 Main St.
Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter, YWCA Munroe House and Act II Safe Choice host
Rewriting Our Own Futures: Words from Women of Vancouver Transition Houses
with ex-residents from transition houses and singer songwriter Kate Reid
Wednesday April 22, 2009. 7pm. Montmartre Café, 4362 Main St.
Battered Women’s Support Services and WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre host
Community Engagement in Violence Prevention. Tough Guise: Violence Media and the Crisis in Masculinity
Film/panel discussion applying a feminist analysis to involving men/boys in anti-violence work with Irene Tsepnopoulos-Elhaimer, Angela MacDougall, Hari Alluri and Curtis Clearsky and with performances by Kia Kidiri, JB The First Lady & Christie Lee
Thursday April 23, 2009. 7pm. Our Town Café, 245 East Broadway.
Vancouver Rape Relief and Womens’ Shelter and WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre host
Bad Dates, Campus Creepers and Drug Rapes
with Aboriginal Women’s Action Network, Antigone Magazine and BC Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Centre
Friday, April 24, 2009 Location TBA
Battered Women’s Support Services hosts
You Can Bet Your Maple Leaf On That – Violence Against Women and 2010 Olympics
Battered Women’s Support Services announces anti-violence strategy for 2010 Vancouver/Whistler Olympic Games pre, during and post prevention and intervention strategy
Saturday April 25, 2009. 7pm. Our Town Café, 245 East Broadway.
Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter hosts
Olympics 2010: Women in Sport, women as Sport
with Exploited Voices Educating, Aboriginal Women’s Action Network and Sports Journalist, Laura Robinson