We are getting calls
Since we have escalated our efforts to reach out to women, our crisis lines have been ringing non-stop, calls have increased by 300 percent!
Who do we hear from?
- Women out of abusive relationships
- Women currently in abusive relationships
- Concerned neighbours
- Concerned coworkers
- Children and youth who are concerned about their mother and themselves and their siblings
Support through texting
We know it may not always be safe to call. If you’re unable to speak safely for support and/or information.
Violence is about Power and Control
When survivors are forced to stay home or in close proximity to their abusive partner more frequently, abusers can use any tool to exert control, including health concerns such as COVID-19. We will continue to answers calls and support women with finding a safe place, navigating through legal hoops, providing emotional support, and creating a safety plan.
If you or you know someone who can use our services,
- Call 604-687-1867 or toll-free at 1-855-687-1868
- Email us at intake@bwss.org
Thank you for your financial donations
We are in a unique and uncomfortable position. Our calls have increased by 300% than regular times, and we cannot let women down. We rely heavily on donors and shoppers at our two My Sister’s Closet stores. However, due to inevitable health and safety concerns, we had to temporarily shut our doors which shuts down a third of our sources of funding.
At this time, we need financial support to:
- Increase staffing to provide additional support and extended hours for the crisis line
- Purchase additional talk minutes and internet data on cell phone plans for women to stay connected to the crisis line, counsellors, and emergency services
- Translate COVID-19 information as it relates to domestic violence and other information about the virus for women’s safety into different languages
- Food cards and food delivery for women
We are extremely grateful for the folks who have donated to us so far, helping us ensure our phone lines stay open at the most desperate hours.
If you have the capacity to make a donation, we thank you for considering us during these uncertain times. We would be happy to accept your donations online, or you can connect with us on the phone by calling 778-996-5451.
How to help a friend, family member, or your coworker
When our friend, family member, loved one is living with abuse by an intimate partner, we have a key role in supporting their journey. You may be the only person that they can trust. Please read our tips and tools and become an empowered bystander with the knowledge to help a friend.
The effects of violence in an intimate relationship often occur beyond the home. Ninety percent of domestic violence incidents will be disclosed to a coworker (Ontario Safety Association 2009). Intimate partner violence can come into the workplace when an abuser attempts to harass, threaten, stalk or harm a woman at work. Here are some ways to support your coworker.
But what happens if you can’t help your coworker during a quarantine? You can connect with your coworker and remind them that they can always contact us at 604-687-1867 or toll-free at 1-855-687-1868. We can take your calls from Monday to Sunday. You may also email us at intake@bwss.org. Or, you may also call us directly to get support.