Thanks for your ongoing support and commitment to ending violence against women.

Over the years, Vancouver and the province of British Columbia has experienced a death by a thousand cuts as services and the network of support for women survivors of violence are being dismantled. Further the pursuit of liberation and equality for women remains elusive as systemic policies and practices are regressing while violence against girls and women continues as an epidemic.

In 2009, in unprecedented form, the feminist women’s organizations in Vancouver joined together to raise awareness by holding events and mobilizing direct action during Prevention of Violence Against Women Week in April.

This year, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter, Act II Safe Choice, Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW), YWCA Munroe House and Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) have teamed up again this year focusing on sexual violence against girls & women.

To participate in the conversation and to take action check out BWSS Battered Women’s Support Services Facebook page BWSS Facebook Group and follow us on Twitter here Ending Violence

Prevention of Violence Against Women Week – April 17 to 24, 2011.

We’re working to provide critical and essential support services, while working to end violence against girls and women.

To join our work email us at

Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy 2010 Death Does NOT Become Her

Urban Women’s Anti-Violence Strategy 2009 Critical and Essential Services