Battered Women’s Support Services has been awarded funding to pilot a Youth Engagement in Violence Prevention Project.



In their intimate relationships, 1 in 7 high school girls/young women have experienced physical and/or sexual abuse and almost half have experienced emotional abuse. 40% of teenage girls aged 14 – 17 report knowing someone their age that has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend. Boys report that misogyny and objectification of girls (that can lead to abuse and violence) is a significant way to boys express being male.



Battered Women’s Support Services retired our 15 year-old “Dating Violence” program in 2007 and initiated focus groups that would help us to create a new program.

We are convening a local and international advisory council. We have identified amazing individuals already who will participate and we are opening up two advisory positions locally and two advisory positions internationally. Though we have dedicated additional advisory positions for youth, preference will be given to female or male youth.



Advisory Council Summary

Lend your expertise…

To review and develop curriculum content and delivery methods to reduce violence in youth intimate relationships through an effective prevention education program that empowers girls and boys with an understanding of gender formation and provides an opportunity to examine ways to step outside the boundaries of gender expectation

To create curriculum that is neither gender neutral or sees boys as perpetrators and holds for the safety and experience of girls/young women

To attend monthly meetings in person or by conference call, weekly email communication, reviewing research documents and related articles, films and social media and provide feedback

If you would like more information or to be on the advisory council please send email or call 604-687-1613.

Funding for BWSS Youth Engagement in Violence Prevention Project provided by Vancouver Foundation and an anonymous donor.

