BWSS offers training to young women and young men who want to volunteer for our YOUth Ending Violence Program and facilitate workshops for youth.
To provide youth with knowledge on the differences between healthy and abusive relationships, understanding the dynamics of abuse; learn where and how to obtain help; understand the impacts of social media and media on youth in dating relationships and how to be an empowered bystander.
Participants will learn:
• The Roots of Gender Violence & Dating Violence
• Media Literacy Skills
• Role of Social Media and Gender Based Violence
• Co-Facilitation/ Presentation Skills
• Leadership Skills
• Empowered Bystander Intervention
2015 TRAINING DATES APRIL 11, 12, 18 and 19
Join Battered Women’s Support Services and Facilitate Dating Violence Prevention Workshop for Youth.
Here are the facts telling us why youth engagement in dating violence prevention is much needed and can make a big difference.
To register or for more information call Rona at 778.558.7179 or email
You can download the poster here.
Learn more about our YOUth Ending Violence Program here.
If you could do something to end violence against girls and women, wouldn’t you?