Tune in at 5:45pm PT today to CBC News, Canada Tonight with Ginella Massa, as Angela Marie MacDougall, BWSS Executive Director, discusses gender-based violence in Canada.

A National Action Plan is Ready to Get on the Road

According to the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability Gender-based Violence is on the rise

92 women and girls have been killed by violence so far in 2021 – with a male partner or acquaintance as the prime suspect. At the top of the list of number of killings, Ontario, Quebec and BC. And a continued overrepresentation of Indigenous women and girls.

On Monday, a woman was killed in Montreal. Her male partner is the primary suspect and he’s on the lam. This is Quebec’s 14th femicide of the year. And most likely it won’t be the last – as sadly we’ve seen that the upward trend of femicide rates continues across Canada.

BWSS was part of an expert group to develop the framework and content of Canada’s first National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence, delivered to government.

This is a historic project led by Women’s Shelters Canada. With our contribution to this project, we are committed to amplifying the voices and resilience of marginalized communities –Black, Indigenous, Immigrants, LGBTQ2S and non-binary people.

The Canadian government must invest billions not millions to address this epidemic.

Society is not doing enough to prevent gender-based violence and protect survivors and their families.  Gender-based violence can’t continue to be ignored as thousands of women live in fear.

So this is why we stay on the frontline.


Gender-based Violence is on the rise

2021 Mid-year Report, Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability from femicideincanada.ca