Navigating Systems for Women’s Advocacy

Battered Women’s Support Services will participate at BC Society of Transition Houses Annual Conference October 21st 1 pm in Richmond, BC

As a movement designed to end violence against women while providing women and their children a safe, supportive place to go until that goal was realized, transition houses have a rich advocacy history.  As we continue to advocate for an end to violence against women at its social, political and economic roots, we also continue to provide direct advocacy along side of the individual women we work with. In the current political context, however, the field for systemic advocacy is shrinking.  Increasing need for services with fewer staff and resources to provide them, and fear of funding cuts, have made advocating for individual women more difficult. On top of this, advocacy approaches for and with individual women can come into conflict with approaches to advocacy for systemic change, leaving workers feeling isolated, frustrated and confused about how best to "navigate".

How do we build and maintain strong relationships at the community levels that continue to benefit the women we work with while still pushing forward the agenda of social and systemic change? What collective resources do we share that can strengthen our efforts on all levels?

Together, we will grapple with these and other questions by sharing our stories, concerns, ideas, resources and tools.


For more information contact:

Laurie Parsons

Director of Women’s Services

BC Society of Transition Houses

Suite 325, 119 W. Pender St. Vancouver BC V6B 1S5

T: 604.669.6943 ext: 224 | F: 604.682.6962 | TF: 1.800.661.1040