Thriving is one of our programs at BWSS that is carefully-designed to support the diverse needs of women with lived experience in sex economies in setting and achieving their goals.
Thriving offers a non-judgmental space where participants can meet one-on-one with a support worker to explore trauma and coping, build healthy coping tools, develop their support system and/or explore options for meeting their everyday needs including: housing, legal advocacy, treatment, clothing, emergency shelter, safety planning, support groups, and many other goals.
We have a new workshop that will help you thrive!
Thriving is a safe, confidential place for women with experience in sex economies to build community and empowerment every Thursday evening from 6 to 8 pm starting on Thursday, October 22, 2020.
A $20 gift card will be provided to each participant after every workshop.
What you can look forward to:
- Week 1 – Visioning
- Week 2 – Goal setting
- Week 3 – Building safety and community
- Week 4 – Traditional healing ceremonies and practices
- Week 5 – Trauma-informed healing practises and tools
- Week 6 – Social wellness: Rights and self-advocacy
- Week 7 – Healthy relationships: Myself and others
- Week 8 – Economic resources
- Week 9 – Exploring volunteering, educational, and employment opportunities
- Week 10 – Reflecting and celebrating
To join Thriving:
Please contact Brooklyn by phone or text 604-808-4378 or by email thrive@bwss.org.
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