Media Release
For Immediate Release
April 14, 2014
BCIT Students and Battered Women’s Support Services Collaborate to Prevent Violence Against Women
Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories, BC – Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) and BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment Students have collaborated to deliver The “Bro-Code” Radio Project for Prevention of Violence Against Women Week 2014. The “Bro-Code” is a seven episode radio drama that discusses sexual violence against women. The radio project was inspired by “Don’t Be That Guy” campaign which originated with Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton (SAVE) and explores men’s role in ending sexual violence.
“If something like this serial radio drama gets more people talking about ways to end violence against women, then I think we have had a success. The more people we get talking about the issue, the less likely it is to be ignored or misunderstood.” said James Hutchison, Writer, The Bro-Code.
The seven episodes feature the talent of three student writers and twelve student voice actors who dramatize complexities and dynamics in effect within youth culture around sexual violence. By speaking to youth the radio drama is well placed as girls and young women between the ages of 15-24 are the most likely victims of sexual assault.
“As someone who has experienced sexual violence first hand, I felt this was a great and creative way to help the issue. The series is entertaining, relatable, and educational hopefully it will help change the misogynistic attitudes of young men.” said Jenny Cooney, Producer, The Bro-Code.
According to 2009 Statistics Canada Report, women self-disclosed 472,000 sexual assaults.
“Raising awareness on the subject of rape culture has been both eye opening and fulfilling.” said Jill Pasquayak, Writer “Getting the message out is of utmost importance and it’s been an honour to do so.”
“Battered Women’s Support Services is delighted to be partnering with BCIT during Prevention of Violence Against Women Week.” said Angela Marie MacDougall, Executive Director, Battered Women’s Support Services. “We expect this project will help illuminate real choices for individuals about preventing sexual violence and the community the courage needed to get a handle on and reduce the incidence of profound rape culture.”