British Columbia Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH)
Discussion Paper:

Reducing Barriers for Women Fleeing Violence

BCSTH is currently working on a project funded by Status of Women Canada to reduce barriers to support for women experiencing violence who have varying levels of mental wellness and substance use. The end product will be a Promising Practices toolkit for supporting women in Transitional Housing in BC.
As the basis of these Promising Practices, we have composed a research-based discussion paper outlining:
· The links between violence against women, mental wellness and substance use
· Barriers to Violence Against Women’s services for women
· Barriers service providers may experience in attempting to provide support to women
· Components of Best Practices for supporting women
We encourage women impacted by violence, mental wellness and/or substance use, service providers and researchers in related sectors and anyone else interested to review the paper and provide feedback. Discussion points are provided as starting points for individual reflection or group conversations. Your answers to these questions are welcome as are any other comments and ideas that may help inform the Promising Practices
