Women’s Groups Take Action on Sexual Violence
“ … we really do live in a culture of permissiveness around rape, and that for rape of one woman, it is about degradation and terror, and most women and girls limit their behavior because of the existence of rape – stranger rape – and we know that stranger rape is actually the least amount of sexual assault that actually happens. Most times if women are sexually assaulted it’s by someone that they know. And, but most women and girls are living in fear of rape, and men in general do not! And that’s how rape functions as a very, very, very powerful means by which the entire whole female population is held in a subordinate position to the whole male population.” –Angela Marie MacDougall
Here are just a few ways that women’s groups are taking on the issue of sexual assault in our communities.
BWSS #GetTuff
September 6th, 2016 – Burnaby RCMP have issued a “warning” following three sexual assault attacks within three days by two men. On Saturday, August 27th, Battered Women’s Support Services Executive Director, Angela Marie MacDougall, was on CKNW News Talk 980 to discuss the recent sexual assaults around Metro Vancouver.
Listen to the interview bellow:
Click here to read a transcription of the interview.
More than 50% of college sexual assaults occur in the first few months of the school year and more than 80% that occur on campus are committed by someone know to the victim.
WAVAW presents: Feminist Frosh Week
WAVAW has launched a week of events at campuses across the lower mainland called Feminist Frosh Week. Check out the calendar of events here.
Take Back the Campus: A March to End Rape Culture
September 6, 2016 BWSS joined WAVAW’s March to End Rape Culture at Victory Square. Here are some photos from the march.
West Coast LEAF Intervenes in the Justice Camp Inquiry
Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 marked the start of the inquiry re: Justice Camp’s conduct during sexual assault trial. Learn more here.
The Barbra Schlifer Clinic and WAVAW have also applied to intervene in the cases. Read their submission for frontline interveners here.
How We #GetTuff Everyday
80% of women who access our services disclose sexual violence in their intimate partner relationships and virtually all do not report sexual violence to the police. Everyday our crisis team works on the frontline supporting women based on her needs.
Battered Women’s Support Services Manager of Direct Services and Clinical Practice Rosa Elena Arteaga was on Radio Canada international to talk about the work we are doing with women. BWSS has been committed to addressing and breaking barriers that women with precarious immigration status, refugee and immigrant women face. We understand women’s migration and displacement. This analysis is reflected in every service we provide.
You can listen to Rosa’s interview in Spanish here here.