Ending Violence Blog

Via our award winning blog Battered Women’s Support Services provides education and advocacy as we work towards the elimination of violence.
BWSS Response to the BC Government’s Mandate on Gender-Based Violence as an Epidemic

BWSS Response to the BC Government’s Mandate on Gender-Based Violence as an Epidemic

The BC Government’s recognition of gender-based violence as an epidemic in its recent mandate letters signals an overdue acknowledgment of the pervasive crisis faced by women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals. While this recognition is necessary, it is not sufficient. BWSS calls for bold and immediate action to address the structural inequalities and entrenched systems that perpetuate this violence.

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How to Build Healthy Boundaries in Romantic Relationships

How to Build Healthy Boundaries in Romantic Relationships

In a healthy relationship, both people should feel completely at ease with the level of physical intimacy—whether it’s holding hands, kissing, touching, or having sex. One thing you should always have control over is how far you’re comfortable going with your romantic partner, crush, or even someone you’re casually seeing. Your voice matters, and you should never feel pressured into doing anything you don’t want to do.

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BWSS Granted Leave to Intervene in Ahluwalia v. Ahluwalia

BWSS Granted Leave to Intervene in Ahluwalia v. Ahluwalia

Intimate partner violence (IPV) manifests in many forms, all of which cause profound harm to victims and survivors, who are disproportionately women and children. In August, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada declared that gender-based violence is an epidemic…

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Why Is This a Threat? (Stalking Awareness Month)

Why Is This a Threat? (Stalking Awareness Month)

A note that says “I love you”… For many, it’s a tender message. But for someone escaping intimate partner violence, finding this note—written in their abusive partner’s handwriting—on their workplace desk or the door of their new apartment can be a chilling sign: their stalker has found them and plans to continue the abuse.

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Breaking Free Together: Finding Safety for Domestic Violence Victims and Their Companion Animals

Breaking Free Together: Finding Safety for Domestic Violence Victims and Their Companion Animals

Violence against women and companion animals is a stark, often interconnected form of abuse that reveals the abusive partner’s desire to exert control and instill fear. Abusive partners frequently harm or threaten pets to manipulate their victims, knowing the deep emotional bond between the victim and their companion animal. This dynamic can trap victims in abusive relationships, as the fear of harm coming to their beloved pets becomes a barrier to leaving.

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