The abuser uses emotional abuse and controlling tactics to keep woman away from her family, friends and community. Then, woman loses her ability to connect with other people in order to gather information and sharing her feelings because of being isolated, and the abuser begins to control her life more and more. Different behaviors create isolation of woman. He may use different tactics to isolate women including asking her to move with him another town or not to see her family and friends. Until woman realized that she has been controlled by her partner and she has power to break this cycle of violence, it is difficult for woman to identify isolation. He tries to control woman by saying nobody loves her and she has nobody to trust except him or her family treat her very bad and she should not meet with her family.
“One day, I was walking down the street and saw my daughter’s teacher. She said ‘Hi, how are you?’ I noticed I got nervous and quickly pass through by wıthout word. I realized I have been programmed to be fast. In fear of be beaten for taking too much time from my husband, even though he was not with me.”
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I remember when I left – coming home from the hospital that night – as we were riding along my mother said “Look at all the homes with their lights on. They look so normal and peaceful – nobody would ever know what kind of hell might be going on in there”. That’s isolation. I know.