Online Legal Resources for Immigrant Women
This is a list of legal publications and resources that are available online through external websites; they are helpful for immigrant women who are negotiating the legal system in BC.
As a project that has been in development over the past 5 years, Vancouver Community College, has developed an online glossary of legal and court-related terms in plain language (English), Farsi (Persian), Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese.
The 5,000 entries in the Glossary are created to assist interpreters, legal and paralegal professionals, community services providers and the general public as they search for Canadian legal terms.
Phone: 604-871-7000
Court Information is the new online home of the Society’s Court Information Program for Immigrants. The program provides free information and referrals to new immigrants. The website provides information, numerous videos, links to online resources as well as translated information from the popular resource Learning About the Law in six languages: English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Punjabi, Spanish and French.
Phone: 1-866-550-2474
Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch
Dial-A-Law is a library of scripts prepared by lawyers. It offers general information on a variety of topics on law in British Columbia, but not legal advice. If you need further information, you should consult a lawyer by calling the Lawyer Referral Service at 604-687-3221 or toll free in BC at 1-800-663-1919. Dial-A-Law is a free service that is available in English, Chinese and Punjabi by telephone and online.
The library of scripts includes information on:
- divorce & separation
- property & asset division
- child custody & guardianship
- child adoption
- common-law relationships
- marriage & violence against women
- legal information on same-sex relationships
Chinese, Simplified:
Phone: 604-687-3221
Toll Free in BC: 1-800-663-1919
Legal Services Society
Outlines in plain language what legal aid is, and how and where to apply for it. It also lists the phone numbers of legal aid offices in BC.
Other languages: Arabic, Chinese (simplified and traditional), French, Korean, Russian, Tagalog, Vietnamese
Farsi, Persian:
Greater Vancouver: 604-408-2172
Elsewhere in BC: 1-866-577-2525 (No charge)
Legal Services Society
Describes the role of a legal aid lawyer and what the client should expect from them. Also explains what someone should do if they are unhappy with the results of their case or their legal aid lawyer.
Other languages: Chinese, Traditional, French, Vietnamese
Farsi, Persian:
Greater Vancouver: 604-408-2172
Elsewhere in BC: 1-866-577-2525 (No charge)
Community Legal Assistance Society
Many people can only afford a brief meeting with a lawyer. This publication will help you organize and prepare for your interview with a lawyer so that you can use the time more effectively.
Telephone: (604) 685-3425
Elsewhere in BC Free: 1-888-685-6222
Community Legal Assistance Society
This publication is designed to help you effectively work with your legal aid lawyer and maintain a positive relationship.
Telephone: (604) 685-3425
Elsewhere in BC Free: 1-888-685-6222
BWSS Informational Brochures & Resources
Violence Against Non Status, Refugee and Immigrant Women
A woman-centred approach to managing the spectrum of needs from settlement to empowerment manual- is one of them. Though not meant to be conclusive, it is written as an exploration of ideas, to present recurring issues and to critique existing practices.
Wallet Sized Resource card
Wallet Size Card of Resource Contact Numbers for Women Facing Abuse. You deserve to live free from abuse. Contact BWSS with any question and we’ll support you to find solutions.
Advancing Women’s Awareness Regarding Employment
AWARE is one of the many ways that Battered Women’s Support Services works to eliminate all forms of violence and abuse against girls and women. We are here to provide a safe, women-centered space providing antioppressive, anti-colonial support and services treating women as the experts in their own lives.
Safety Assessment and Safety Planning Tool
For Supporting Women with Precarious Immigration Status, Refugees, Refugee Claimants and Immigrant Women Facing Domestic Violence
How Can I Help My Friend?
You may be the only person your friend can trust. This pamphlet explains how you can help, provides a list of transition houses with their contact numbers, and has contact information for BWSS.
When Battered Women Are Arrested – A Growing Problem
In recent years, Battered Women’s Support Services has become increasingly alarmed by the growing number of women accessing our services who have been arrested for allegedly perpetrating domestic violence against their partners. In our experience these arrests are occurring despite the fact that in all cases women were in relationships where they were being abused.
When Battered Women are Arrested Spanish Version
When Battered Women are Arrested Punjabi Version
When Battered Women are Arrested Farsi Version
When Battered Women are Arrested English Version
A resource for women and advocates: Violence Against Women and the Law
Toolkit for Immigrant Women Working with a Lawyer: English Version
Toolkit for Immigrant Women Working with a Lawyer: Punjabi Version
Toolkit for Immigrant Women Working with a Lawyer: Farsi Version
When Battered Women Are Arrested A resource for front-line workers
Toolkit for Lawyers: Best Practices in Working with Battered Immigrant Women
More Legal Resources & Reports
The Legal Services and Advocacy Program at BWSS provides legal information, accompaniment to court and legal appointments, we appeal when legal aid has been denied and provide assistance for documents and affidavits preparation. BWSS legal services and advocacy work spans family, immigration, refugee, and criminal law as well as the Indian Act. As part of this advocacy we have written the following resources. Please click on the images below to download the full PDF version of the toolkit or manual.
Gender Persecution and Refugee Law Reform in Canada in response to The Balanced Refugee Reform Act (BILL C-11)
Battered Women Support Services Response to: White Paper on Family Relations Act: Reform Proposals for a new Family Law Act
A Women’s Right to Legal Representation: A critical examination of Legal Aid in BC. n