We’ve created 31 Actions for Gender Justice to raise awareness, spark conversations and take action that transforms gender and power relations, and the structures, norms and values that underpin them. Every day for the month of March we will highlight an action that advances gender equity and justice for International Women’s Day (IWD).
This is by no means an exhaustive list! There’s so much more that we can do to advocate for political, economic and social changes.
What is Gender Justice and why does it matter?
March 1st Action 1. Getting on the same page.
The Global Fund for Women defines Gender Justice as “systemic redistribution of power, opportunities, and access for people of all genders through the dismantling of harmful structures including patriarchy, homophobia, and transphobia.”
To add to this definition, we’d like to highlight the importance of eliminating gender inequities with a decolonial and intersectional, anti-oppression feminist approach.
Gender Justice is a transformative concept that reorients and re-energizes the conversation about equality. More fundamentally, it points towards new ways of liberating our thinking about ourselves and each other.
31 Actions for Gender Justice
Action 3. Zero Tolerance: End Violence against Women
Action 4. Normalize a Culture of Consent
Action 5. Support Youth Empowerment
Action 6. Stand in Solidarity: October 4th and Beyond
Action 7. Know the Signs of Domestic Abuse
Action 8. IWD Action for Gender Justice
Action 11. Close the Gender Pay Gap
Action 12. Make Online Spaces Safer
Action 13. Understanding and addressing specific needs of LGBTQ2S and non-binary folks
Action 15. Make prevention and intervention of end gender-based violence essential services
Action 16. Address sensitive topics
Action 17. Stop Violence against Asian Women
Action 18. Gender based Violence is Deadly. Prevention and Intervention are Crucial
Action 20. Know the signs of financial abuse
Action 21. Stop street harassment
Action 22. Increase awareness about the pandemic within the COVID-19 pandemic
i received an email from you re 31 actions but they were not listed in the email and I couldn’t find the 31 actions on your website. note; I am not on social media. thank you